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critical linguistics造句

"critical linguistics"是什么意思  
  • He was one of the editors of the seminal book " Language and control " ( 1979 ), which helped establish critical linguistics as an academic field.
  • Covering the statistics allowed him a lot of flexibility in other teaching and he developed a course simply called " Discourse " which covered speech act theory, implicature, semiotics, post-structuralism, critical linguistics and conversation analysis.
  • "' Mel Y . Chen "'is an academic whose scholarship intersects many fields, including queer theory, gender studies, animal studies, critical race theory, Asian American studies, disability studies, science studies, and critical linguistics.
  • The first is an honorary doctorate of the Open University ( D . U ., Open ), awarded in 2014 in recognition of his  " exceptional contribution to Welsh language and culture " .  The second is a PhD awarded by Cardiff University in 2015 for a thesis in Welsh, arguing for the key role of'critical linguistic awareness'in the inclusive model of language planning currently pursued according to public policy in Wales.
  • It's difficult to see critical linguistics in a sentence. 用critical linguistics造句挺难的
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